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Drills And Moves For Basketball Dribbling

By Saad Mirza

Dribbling is one the fundamentals of basketball. While this skill is really simple from the start it can get more complicated. The best players are masters of dribbling in all of its forms. Learning different drills for practicing dribbling can make you a better player and give you more confidence on the court.

The most basic dribble is one where you keep the ball at about the height of your waist while you move across the court. Going in a straight line with the ball. This drill can teach you to control the ball and how it reacts with the area it comes into contact with.

How well you stretch will determine your overall performance on the court. By ensuring you stretch before every game, you're not only protecting yourself but also ensuring that you play a good game. As an added benefit, stretching and warming up benefits your overall health as well. Make sure to stretch on body sides of your body. Two times or more for each stretch is generally a good number to make sure you loosen your muscles and are ready to play. Each stretch should be done the same number of times on each side of your body.

These are some of the simplest drills you can do to improve your quality of ball handling on the court. Sadly, many people overlook their ball dribbling when it comes to practicing their game. Someone who is good at handling the ball is someone who decreases the amount of turnovers in a single game.

Dribbling far out to the side or starting the ball before you start your run can also be a fun exercise. This comes in handy during a game when you want to feint to a side and get the ball moving before the other player has a chance to take it away from you. This ball control is sure to get reactions from the crowd and is pretty easy to practice.

A good stretch routine can make or break your basketball game. Make sure to never skip this important step and you will be able to enjoy basketball for much longer. Keeping you in better health and at the top of your game are just some of the benefits from a good stretching routine.

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Related : Drills And Moves For Basketball Dribbling