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Weed Control Ontario

By Carl Messenger-Lehmann

Home lawn care is as simple or complex as you make it. Before you decide to put in various colors and varieties of exotic plant life it is important to figure out just how much free time you have to spend taking care of these exotic plants, or if you can pay to have a specialized landscape team come around in lieu of your own loving care to take regular care of your garden.

Use Preventative Maintenance: Some things to take into consideration are of course using a fertilizer treatment as well as an herbicide to maintain your lawn. Annual aeration as well will help to keep your lawn lush and beautiful. Look into repairing bare and worn spots in your lawn as well in order to keep it thriving.

Some individuals, myself included, tend to believe even the most basic lawn care a bit tedious. Yep, even just lugging out the old lawn mower for a quick clipping can seem very tedious. But then again, I live in a nearly tropical climate where the grass grows so quickly that if I miss a weekly trimming in the summertime my backyard start to look like a jungle.For people looking for a way to cut down on even basic lawn care, there's also the herbal lawn. True, you may find it more work to get started if you already have a lawn in place, or if the existing lawn is a particularly hardy variety such as St. Augustine or some types of crab grass. But you may find it worthwhile and even pleasurable to incorporate an herbal lawn if you don't have a lawn yet or have a more fragile category growing.

An herbal lawn is only what it sounds like, a lawn that is composed of an herb instead of a type of grass. You can produce an herbal lawn out of many various types of herbs. The challenge really is finding an herb that tolerates heavy foot traffic at the same time that it is still comfortable if you like to play or sit on the lawn. There are many varieties of creeping thyme and chamomile that fall into this perfect middles ground.

Informal lawn maintenance training: This is normally offered within the context of on the job training' by the various lawn service firms. There is no standard curriculum followed here. Neither are there examinations (though evaluation is done informally, by way of observation of how well the trainees are able to perform various practical lawn care tasks). In most cases, there are no certifications issued. Still, given its practical hands-on nature, this form of training is very powerful. Worth noting is the fact that most of the rank and file' staff in lawn care firms at the moment are beneficiaries of this sort of informal training.

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