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Dog Trainer El Dorado Hills; Proven Methods To Control Your Canines Jumping

By Joshua Graham

Dogs are energetic creatures and they love jumping, chewing on stuff and just being goofy all day long. In the majorities of cases, they could jump on people because they want to greet them, show their excitement or communicate the fact that they want to play. While jumping is a very natural behavior for canines, it can get problematic and should hence be kept under control. If you need assistance from a seasoned dog trainer El Dorado Hills has a decent number of highly proficient experts to offer.

Your pooch will jump on you to tell you that it wants to play. It could also do this out of excitement or as a way of greeting you. Even so, the jumping on people becomes a problem when your canine begins to also jump on your guests and relatives. Keep in mind that people could get injured, especially if your furry friend is of a larger breed.

A seasoned trainer can help you deal with the concern for good. You will also have a role to play to assist in discouraging the bad habit. To begin with, you must refrain from seeming like you enjoy being pounced on. You can do this by ignoring the advances and only showing attention when your pooch has its four paws on the ground. Simply fold your arms when the dog jumps on you and look straight on. You can then pet your furry friend when it puts its paws on the floor.

Seeking dog training is important because your pooch will learn to obey basic commands. In case it has already gone through training, simply ask it to stop when it attempts to jump on you. You could also ask it to lay down or sit. Once it does this and gets its paws on the ground, you should again pet it or rub its belly. Repeating this sequence daily could assist greatly in discouraging the jumping habit.

Distraction techniques could also come in handy. If your furry friend is the hyper kind and behavioral training is clearly not working, perhaps you could depend on using distractions. For example, toss your canines favorite toy immediately you enter your house. This will distract it from jumping on you and also keeping it calm.

Finally, test your dog training skills to find out whether they were effective. You can do this by inviting your friends over and observing how your pooch reacts. In case the outcome of the behavioral test run is not impressive, then perhaps it will be time for you to call in a trained dog whisperer.

Unfortunately, DIY training does not always work. If your doggy is not paying attention to your commands, especially when it is excited, then it will make sense for you to depend on professional help. A competent dog trainer will use the finest techniques to help your furry friend drop the bad habit.

It pays to do some research for you to find the best specialist within your area. A competent expert can organize for normal or private classes for your pet. For you to see real change within the shortest time possible, you need to find a skilled and seasoned dog trainer.

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Related : Dog Trainer El Dorado Hills; Proven Methods To Control Your Canines Jumping