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Many People Find Opportunities Faster When They Use A LinkedIn Networking Strategy

By Betty Butler

There are times when people need to find or change jobs quickly. While every situation is different, what they may not realize is the power of social media when used correctly. In other words, anyone with an active profile may want to tighten it so that it will appeal to most employers or those who may have a strong lead. It also helps to realize that having a solid LinkedIn networking strategy will help an individual get hired faster.

While this may sound complex, or at least a lot of labor, the truth is it is one of the most effective career search methods to come around in a long time. It starts with a good portfolio that has clear images of the account owner and goes on to list work history and relevant credentials. However, this is not like creating the typical resume.

Even if a person is new to the world of work or a particular industry, they can create an impressive online presence. In addition to traditional education, it is possible to create hyperlinks to vocational or continuing education certificates that relate to career goals. If it is possible to connect with instructors of these courses, this can enhance credentials when work experience is limited.

If an applicant has a professional social media account that shows off their ability to create marketable visuals, this should be added. Applicants who lack current credentials should consider enrolling in the online training courses available on LinkedIn. Most of these are short term and available to use at any time for a modest fee.

Honest interaction from the first point of contact will most likely lead to better things. Some people join groups to plug their personal sites or electronic products but developing a positive rapport gives the best impression. While participation in discussions is encouraged, it is often not necessary.

Some users find that it helps to monitor their activity to find out what methods work best. As LinkedIn has many features of use, different features can bring varied outcomes. For instance, a person may find they get a better job leads from groups they joined than what is found using the manual job search or Marketplace feature.

Sometimes when in doubt, going with the premium option can pay off. It allows users to see who is viewing their profile and make more connections. While it may not pay off for a generalist, any freelancer with a specialty will find this gives them an advantage over direct solicitation or using outsourcing sites.

Originality in a user profile can also go a long way. Users may want to look at the profiles of their connections with similar backgrounds and find ways to improve without embellishing. A defined purpose can make this process a lot easier. When a person truly believes they will be an asset to a company, their enthusiasm will show in how they present themselves.

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Related : Many People Find Opportunities Faster When They Use A LinkedIn Networking Strategy