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Improving Race Relations In Workplaces

By Thomas Davis

The problem of racism has refused to die the world over. It still elicits raw emotions in public and private sector to the point of making the work environment unbearable. It is the responsibility of managers and their workforce to find the best approach to managing race relations so that they do not affect productivity. The following expert tips will make it easier to manage racial relationships and interactions in order to keep work environments productive.

Be alive to the fact that racial issues will always arise. This amounts to acknowledging that such challenges exist. You will then find a way addressing them without waiting until something comes up. It makes people conscious without hiding or burying the issues under the carpet. Build awareness that is based on the possible challenges you will encounter depending on your work environment.

Sensitize and educate workers on the manifestations of racial biases and how to deal with conflicts better. This education should start with a clear understanding of the history that has led to such conflicts. Scrutinize the materials used in education so that they do not prejudice one group over the other. A balanced view makes it easier to understand the underlying issues and provide a solution. Biases make solutions difficult to find.

Domesticate issues to make them easier to handle. Each work environment is dealing with unique challenges. It could be between workers and the management. You may also be required to handle clients or service providers of a different racial orientation. Learn about the uniqueness of your current situation to enable you determine the extent of the challenge at hand and find a lasting solution.

Issues that arise in the organization should be addressed as fast as possible. Delays cause small issues to be blown out of proportion. There are difficult cases where the level of tolerance for some people is higher. This is not a reason to allow others to bully them. The organization should set standards that must be adhered by everyone in your organization. When the organization has structures that spell fairness, people will gain confidence in its structures.

Ensure that organizational composition at all levels is diverse. This will create sensitivity to racial issues. If all managers are of a singular race, the likelihood of bias increases. In fact, it will be difficult to address complains objectively. Most of the biases are hidden and will manifest in scandalous situations. If the organization has a policy on equal recruitment and employment, it will be easier to deal with the issues whenever they emerge.

All racial discrimination issues must be dealt with firmly. Workers should be reprimanded for saying mean things about other races. The action taken should be firm and commensurate to the level of damage done. Do not allow conflicts to remain unresolved for too long. Ignoring them will cause small issues to be blown out of proportion.

It is a huge mistake to assume that relationships between races will work automatically. Every organization must make deliberate effort to address issues whenever they arise. The best way to handle such issues is to be deliberate and proactive. It will be easier to prevent conflicts from occurring than to repair damage once the issue has erupted.

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